Why We Fight
"30,000 retards, idiots, consumer whores, and knuckledraggers push and shove their way into the Boise Town Square mall for 10% off over priced T-shirts." Thanks to ELB for the tip.
Official Blog of the Christmas Resistance Movement
The San Francisco Chronicle's front-page story yesterday had a large bold headline of the sort used to announce a war victory, for an article about insane shoppers knocking themselves out on "Black Friday." Here are the opening lines:
The get-up-and-go spirit that helped America settle the West, win two world wars and put a man on the moon isn't dead. It's just gone to the mall.It took four Chronicle staff writers to pen this drivel.
=v= It's out just in time for the Xmas Resistance Non-Shopping Season: What Would Jesus Buy? is a documentary about Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping, who last year went on a nationwide tour to the heart of the nation's Shopocalypse.