Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Buy Everything Day

Another Christmas Resistance season has passed, finally. Nothing to worry about until next year's Buy Everything Day!


At 8:13 PM, May 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What qould Bob Dobbs say?

At 8:13 PM, May 04, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too much slack. OK, begin again. What would Bob Dobbs say?

At 1:23 AM, September 24, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whats so bad about christmas? Sure people buy presents. But thats for each other. It's a sign of kindness and GIVING (is that right?). Plus it's about being together. People don't just go downstaurs, open presents and walk off. They open presents together. If they are Christian they go to church. the kids could take a present and tell the other kids at church about it. Even if you are non-christian you still have Christmas Dinner.

At 3:01 PM, January 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Christmas blows. Quit trying to hide behind your quaint little religious beliefs and admit it - there is tons of pressure to find the right gift, spend a certain amount of money, or else the terrorists win, or we lose the war on Christmas or whatever the latest pro-Christmas slant is on the "liberal-biased media". If I have to see that ridiculous commercial one more time that shows the woman throwing a drink in her husband's face because he didn't buy her a diamond at Jarod's for Christmas, I might put a hammer through my TV screen. Thanks for allowing me to rant here. God I hate Christmas.

At 12:07 AM, January 01, 2008, Blogger The smoking Writter said...

gosh i support this im i totally agree... plus is a dam hipocrit yorue eyes ppl this is a monuemntal waste of time and money ...

At 9:55 AM, May 08, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

try anti money monopoly money hand it to everyone
for free the economy will collapes. unless we learn to
share and trade in a diffrent way the world will never be a perfect place the question is how to make it a better place the earth belongs to everyone money is an intresting solution but it has major issues. anti money
is a question can we live in a world where no one is poor


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